About Bauder PTO

What is PTO?

The Bauder Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer group of parents and teachers whose goal is to support and enhance the student experience at Bauder. We love our community school and want to do what we can to support our students and teachers.

What do we do?

We meet as a larger group one time per month (currently all meetings are virtual) to discuss and prioritize overall needs, receive updates from Principal Boese, and explore ways in which the PTO can support our teachers and students. If you are involved with a specific project, you'll work with that group between meetings to keep things moving ahead.

How can I get involved?

We would love to have you join the PTO in any way that is comfortable and manageable for you. You can subscribe to our newsletter, volunteer for school-related activities, and/or contribute your unique skills and ideas. Meetings are not required (although all are welcome at our monthly PTO meeting). Sign up to get started receiving our emails about upcoming meetings and volunteer opportunities!

Why should I get involved?

There are a lot of reasons to get involved with the PTO. First, it's a great way to get to know the school leadership better. Second, it offers you a more direct voice in shaping the student experience. Third, you will get to know other parents. And last but not least, we try to have fun!