Bauder 2023-2024 Fundraiser and "Steps 4 Kindness" Event


kindness mattersBauder PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is so grateful to our Bauder community for their support in the 2023-24 Steps for Kindness event. We were blown-away by the amount of love, generosity, and kindness present in school. We exceeded our fundraising goal - perhaps you heard about Mr. Boese riding a bike in a flamingo costume?


Fundraising goal: $14,000


Fundraising total: Just over $20,000!!!


All money raised is returned to the school in the form of classroom supplies and subscriptions, Bauder Winter Festival Community Night, Caroling and Cocoa, field trips, and more.


Thank you, Bauder families, for the ways in which you and your kids show up to make Bauder the awesome neighborhood school that it is.


Enjoy this video wrapping up the Steps for Kindness event and celebrating the special contributions of all Bauder Bucks: